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Optimization” arranges the language and coding features of your website for optimal understanding by google’s artificial intelligence. This arrangement is strongly informed by Google’s measure of Expertise, Authority, & Trust  your site has accrued. (EAT is generally a measure backlinks, visitor & social engagement) in comparison to other sites of similarly arranged language and coding.

I wouldn’t optimize your relatively new website for a keyword like “coca cola” and hope to rank anywhere in the top thousands,  for example, as it would take an extreme amount of resources to develop enough EAT to move that needle. On the other hand, “soda shop in Manhattan” might look like a better option if that’s where your business was and  competitive research showed your site had enough EAT to compete with other sites at the top of the search results.

The following optimizations are designed as an early starting point for your site’s EAT development. It is from these early, most appropriate keyword choices that your site will develop traction in its niche and

BaseLiner Optimization Package

I designed your BaseLiner optimization to be a bare bones,  three-page, optimization that establishes your site on the right trajectory for your brand and lets you take the reigns from there.

By “trajectory,” I mean your site is set up with keywords of the correct competitiveness for its existing domain strength, that the keywords are properly integrated into copy and meta data, and that Google is able to crawl and index these pages  for you.

For the beginning marketer with a small budget, getting these initial components right can be the hardest part of the whole optimization process. Now you can have an experienced SEO guide your site through this difficult part and when you’re ready take it to the next step, you will have a solid foundation to work with.

Streamliner Optimization Package

The StreamLiner takes the website created by your web design team and optimizes up to 20 pages for content, meta tags, and search engine friendly navigation and architecture.  This optimization takes more of a big picture view of your web presence and focuses on translating your business goals into cohesive searchable concepts that align with your competitive strengths, your target audience’s needs, and Google’s ranking algorithm.

The Silver package is ideal for price-conscience website owners who want to be sure that the main pages of their site have incorporated diligent keyword research, that they contain optimized copywriting, and they have incorporated best practices for search engine visibility.

Blogalizer Optimization

I first started working with WordPress blogs in 2007 and since then, I’ve ve installed, developed, written, or optimized many dozens of them. That’s to say, I know a thing or two about the whys, hows, and benefits of a company’s blog asset.

My blogalizer optimization is for you if the return on the time and energy  you’ve invested in your blog isn’t meeting your expectations.  There  are two ways this service is  designed to help you in two fundamental ways:

1)  By having me research and analyze your niche, your keyword options, and your existing content, I will be able to clarify the expectations you should have for your blog and its benefit to your Google rankings, your organic search traffic, and your business.

2) Implementation of your optimization plan derived from my research and analysis will begin the alignment of your content topics with your blogs optimum target market. While you may say it’s already crossed that threshold, if you are reading this page right now, it probably hasn’t.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I’ll need you to be comfortable with the project expectations.  That’s not putting weight on you–it’s putting it on me to properly explain how the project will work and to help see how the outcome will benefit you.
  2. Access to your Google Analytics. If they are not already set up, I can take care of that for you.
  3. I’ll need you to be able to provide a vision of your business objectives. I am not the one to draft those for you, I will be the one to execute a plan that meets, or, at least, works toward them.

Our standardized packages are well thought-out groups of services designed for website owners who want to take meaningful steps towards a well-optimized site but have only a limited budget with which to work.

These packages have been developed over years of experience working with newer sites with smaller budgets and they represent the sweet spots in terms of what is most valuable to those types of sites. While there is usually “considerable expectation” and responsibility for us to achieve high rankings for targeted keywords in our custom projects, we don’t emphasize ranking results in these packages as much as we emphasize ensuring a site is making a wise investment in the basics necessary for increased search engine visibility and traffic.


Our packages are designed to focus time and expertise on very specific areas that tend to be the most problematic for un-optimized sites–and resolve those problems. You get the same experience and expertise that goes into our custom projects but instead of going after every single possible problem, we sharp shoot those issues that have proven to be most important to search engine visibility.


You know, you would be hard pressed to find a company that can provide such a high quality of service for the price. Now, there are a lot of “cheesy”, valueless services available out there as well as, perhaps, more than a few companies that are better at selling an optimization project than at actually executing one and you might well get a lower price from them. On the other hand, you may well find a few companies that actually will do more for less –(we sure did when we first started out). Feel free to seek them out but you can feel confident you’ve found the real deal here.

If certain competitive situations exist, any one of these packages are all that might be needed to shake a site loose and get it ranking for a target keyword. BUT, in terms of a typical “full blown” custom search engine optimization project, even the Maximizer Package is a quite limited in its scope–and the StreamLiner and BaseLiner packages are even more so. This is to say that any website owner who will only be satisfied with achieving high rankings for specific keywords should choose our customized services which are geared more towards performance than our standard packages.

The more (wisely) you invest in your site, the more profitable you should expect it to be.

The BaseLiner starts with targeting elements of your homepage that are fundamental for search engine visibility–regardless of the site’s size, age, niche, or competition.

The StreamLiner expands on that and targets key elements on up to ten additional pages of your site giving each of them the opportunity for better visibility for their unique keywords.

The Maximizer goes even further by adding five pages of unique content to your site, each optimized for additional keywords. The site also gets scheduled for monthly analysis and revisions aimed at promoting your sites visibility for its target keywords. The more work you have us put into your site, the greater your rewards will be.

No. That’s because we write detailed instructions that go along with the optimization changes to be implemented so that either you or your design team can make the changes to the html. METAPILOT is available for email or phone support at no charge if any additional help is required making the recommended changes.


The best answer is “It’s quite likely.” Unless the competitiveness of the keywords being targeted is substantial, the addition of several hours per month devoted to analyzing your traffic (i.e., what keywords are bringing you traffic–and how much traffic they’re bringing compared to what was expected; what keywords are not bringing in expected traffic; should we step up to a more competitive keyword and expect to rank high enough to get traffic for it ; how are changes in keyword rankings effecting your traffic from the search engines; based on traffic stats, would it be better to drop our efforts for one particular keyword in favor of emphasizing another, etc.) and revising and creating new content can make a world of difference to your traffic.

The other important part of the answer is that if you have not added the Monthly Optimization & Maintenance, then you are asking us to to only half of our specialty (which, of course is why they’re priced so aggressively). Strong analysis of your stats over a period of time gives us a better understanding of how your site performs and of your keyword niche and that knowledge enables us to fine tune your optimization.

Accordion Content

If you’ve done a great job on some or all of your web pages and you feel there is no room higher rankings or more traffic with the keywords you’ve targeted, you should investigate either the Maximizer Package or have us quote a custom project. a custom optimization package. Remember, a website owner with definite expectations of achieving high rankings for specific keywords should choose our customized services.

We guarantee you get serious experts working on your optimization and that they will provide the agreed upon services within the agreed amount of time. We guarantee that we won’t lead you down the wrong path as far as services that are necessary for your site. We guarantee an optimization that uses techniques listed within the search engine’s webmaster guidelines (unless you ask otherwise). We guarantee that we will add real value to your site and your business.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.