Content Strategy Development
How long will it take your website or blog to become a revenue stream instead of a revenue black hole? Do you want to avoid endlessly writing blog posts that never seem to grow your audience? How about all that content you’ve invested in–are you ever going to get to see its worth in terms of Google traffic, conversions and audience building?
Do you wish you had an easy-to-implement, search engine optimized, and effective content program that laid out exactly what you should write and why?
When I deliver your content strategy, it will include a cohesive, optimized, editorial calendar that will help you easily publish brand-valuable content that will your target what your audience wants and consumes. The editorial calendar comes with 3, 6, or 12 months of bi-monthly blog topics, each complete with titles, keywords, and supporting vocabulary.
In addition, you’ll get a thorough analysis and documentation of your existing website content with actionable recommendations that will make it better at reaching your audience and driving new traffic via organic search and social media. Buyer personas for specific target audiences will help you now and in the future to understand your online market and cater to their needs with engaging content.

Content Audit
I personally analyze your content to see what is helping reach your goals, what's just filling up space, and what might actually be hurting your site's ability to reach its intended audience.

Editorial Calendar
A six-month choreographed dance staring your blog, your content, and your audience. Complete with blog topics, articles titles, keywords and supporting vocabulary for posts.

Audience Analysis
I drill down into your target audiences to explore what makes them tick, where they fit into your sales funnel & what they look for out of your content and your products & services.

Buyer Personas
I document composite audience identities to give you a better understand who you are engaging with online and what they want from you.

Social Integration
Your social media profiles extend your brand further into the lives of your audience and your content needs to resonate with them there too.

I verify on-page SEO factors like cannonicalization, duplicate content, meta data don't prevent your content from reaching your audience via google.